Then again, if a certain holy book says nothing about this phenomenon, then it cannot possibly exist.
You are right - and I retract all my previous statements!
(Might still wear insulating gloves though, just in case)
you can't see electricity or hear it or feel it.
well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments.
and somehow, it lights up neon in a tube.
Then again, if a certain holy book says nothing about this phenomenon, then it cannot possibly exist.
You are right - and I retract all my previous statements!
(Might still wear insulating gloves though, just in case)
you can't see electricity or hear it or feel it.
well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments.
and somehow, it lights up neon in a tube.
"You can't see electricity or hear it or feel it."
Let me correct you about that one, at least.
You can feel electricity, - as most electricians can attest to (very few of us have not inadvertently touched something that was live at 240 volts to earth, and you can feel that, all right. Talk about livening up your day!)
That is why such devices as cattle prods and electric fences work like they do; the animal on the receiving end can feel the passage of electricity through its body - and feel it very well!
at early dawn on the 25th april 1915, french, british and dominion troops were delivered by small boats to storm the shores of the turkish peninsular with the objective of invading turkey and forcing that country out of the war and causing the end of the great war by many months.. the operation was a complete disaster.
the troops were landed not on the expected flat beaches but up against cliffs.
the turks were prior informed and the invading soldiers were shot to hell.
There is a change of plans for me, now being in Brisbane on business - so will be attending tomorrow morning's dawn parade in Anzac Square, instead of the one at the local RSL branch in Longford (TAS). I would wear my father in law's medals (WWII and the Burma Railway), only the ribbons are in such a state of disrepair that I fear the medals would be lost before a person walked three metres!
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
So study in Dispensationalism, Eschatology, Hermeneutics, brimstone fire, and hellfire so forth and so on to understand the IBSA and just maybe you’ll understand the concept of the 70 jubilee cycle, and then work your way to 1975
What's the point? Whichever means they used to arrive at the date 1975, they were wrong! Start and finish of the matter.
In case you haven't noticed, 1975 was 40 years ago, and "The End" still hasn't arrived (not that I can see anyway!)
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Some witnesses took this to mean Armageddon
Not just "some", as later WTS attempts to whitewash the whole fiasco would have us believe (but which will never work on those of us who were there and experienced the whole debacle). Furthermore, the writers WTS literature carefully worded all references to 1975 make it clear that this was the conclusion they wanted their readers to reach:
- i.e. that it was a "probability" rather than a "possibility".
Even the 1980 WTS literature that you cite admits that the Watchtower writers fell for their own propaganda! And it was pity help any of the R&F in the congregations who in any way doubted that 1975 would see Armageddon - such JW swear words as "immature" or "worldly" would then feature prominently!
Some witnesses took this to mean Armageddon? More like some witnesses may have still had their doubts - but only some (and they were well advised to keep their mouths shut about it, too!)
PS: Good luck in your attempts to rewrite history - you are going to need it!
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Research the Watchtower March 15, 1980 pages 17-18 U.S. version
Yearbook 1980 pages 30-31 U.S. version. As well as what was written in the Watchtower in 1976.
Whatever for? That was trying to be wise after the event. A bloody lot of use it is to close the stable door after the horse has bolted for it!
That 1976 Watchtower article that chastised those who had sold up their homes and pioneered pre-1975 might have achieved some good had it said the same thing several years beforehand.
Are we all supposed to be impressed by the fact that the WTS did finally say something - just several years too late to prevent people from harming themselves?
i wonder what the report to the branch would say.. he said " me, you and the wt organization is full of poop".. do we df him?
James Mixon,
Good one!
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
There is a scripture which the wts has never quoted. "No man knows the hour nor the day..."
They actually did quote that scripture in a 1968 magazine article that was entitled Why Are You Looking forward to 1975?:
- in which they warned that this was "not the time to hide behind" that particular scripture.
i wonder what the report to the branch would say.. he said " me, you and the wt organization is full of poop".. do we df him?
I certainly felt like doing so on a number of occasions, but was just a little more diplomatic about it than that. Mind you, I made sure the meaning was abundantly clear whenever I did so!
Footnote: The definition of diplomacy
"Diplomacy is the ability to tell somebody to go to Buggery, but in such a manner that they actually look forward to that journey."
(Working with a crew of rather roughneck guys who are mostly bigger than I am, I am presently perfecting the art of diplomacy!)
i am not sure why more people aren't talking about this?.
the march 15 study edition of the wt has some major changes!
- all unbiblical "types and antitypes" are now dropped.
these days, the majority of the R&F couldn't list the finer points of WT eschatology if their lives depended on it
That phrase probably nails it. These days, very few JWs can explain what it is that they are supposed to believe:
- something that they once used to harshly criticise the "Churches of Christendom" for.
As a consequence, I would hazard to guess that most doctrinal shifts such as these ones would go clean over the heads of the vast majority of the R&F.